Donate here to Support the North Coast Men’s Chorus

Thank you for all of your donations to The North Coast Men’s Chorus on Give OUT Day, a national day of giving for the LGBTQ community that supports over 300 LGBTQ organizations across all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Give OUT Day 2019 was April 18, 2019 from 12:00 am to 11:59 pm Eastern. Last year, Give Out Day raised over $550,000.

Throughout the day-long event, thousands of people made gifts to support a diverse array of LGBTQ nonprofits, ranging from the arts to social services agencies, advocacy groups to sports leagues, and community centers to health care nonprofits.

Give OUT Day has provided vital, unrestricted operating funds to organizations since its inception in 2013. Over 23,000 individual donors have contributed more than $3 million and supported more than 500 different organizations in every part of the country.

Give OUT Day is a project of Horizons Foundation. Founded as a community foundation of, by, and for LGBTQ people, Horizons has been supporting LGBTQ nonprofit organizations, leaders, and donors for more than 35 years.